Figure 4.7 Examples of adventitious root types. This figure highlights a few examples of the diversity of adventitious roots (A, B) show types of adventitious roots that form during normal development while (C, D) are examples of stress-induced adventitious roots. (A) those potentially established in the embryo; (B) the dominant root system of monocots including maize (top image) crown roots (yellow) and brace roots (orange) and nodal roots on other grasses (lower image) and on eudicots such as strawberry; (C) low or no light (e.g. Arabidopsis used as a model for adventitious root regulation) or flooding (lower image) can induce adventitious roots from either nodal or non-nodal stem positions; and (D) wounding such as taking a cutting induces de novo adventitious root development. Primary and seminal roots are depicted in white, first order lateral roots in blue and second order laterals in pink. (Based on Steffens and Rasmussen (2016) Plant Physiol. 170: 603-617. doi:10.1104/pp.15.01360. Copyright American Society of Plant Biologists)